- Потребление угля в Китае выросло впервые за пять лет из-за съезда КПК -
- «ВостокУголь» строит на полуострове Таймыр угольный терминал «Чайка» -
- В 2018 году в угольную отрасль Кузбасса инвестируют 65 млрд рублей -
- Новотранс займется добычей угля и руды в Бурятии -
- Регионы Сибири увеличили экспорт угля в 2017 году до 160 млн тонн -
- Украина в январе-2018 снизила добычу угля на 27,3% -
- «Кузнецкинвестстрой» итальянской Coeclerici Group восстановит добычу угля -
Глобал экспорт-импорт менеджмент, ООО (GEXIMM)
Украина, Киев, ул. Электриков, 26
Описание предприятия:"GLOBAL EXPORT-IMPORT MANAGEMENT" (GXM) - multinational management enterprise. Our main focus is trading, export and import of goods, credit and investing, development of project, project management. Business support of companies and helps them to integration in to the markets. We provide to our partners the marketing services and analytics their competitiveness into the target or potential markets. One of the important directions is development of scientific and technical potential of Ukraine and other countries. And we manage the different social, media projects. Company's mission is creating high-quality partnerships, managing large-scale business - projects, developing a positive image to GXM as a reliable business partner. Trade goals - to produce high levels of meet customer needs in establishing strong business relations with producers and create a key structural unit between manufacturers, suppliers, companies, offices of various states and countries of the world. Combining the capacity of professionals to the successfully implementation of economic projects that have positive social and political effects and increasing business relationships and international cooperation. GXM is the owners of manufacturers in Ukraine that is produce mineral fertilizers, mineral water, mushrooms factory and canned products factory. GXM co-owner coal mines in Indonesian and Thailand. Also we have strong partnerships and business relationships between Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and others country producers. Our principles are maintaining a transparent, open and honest business. Maximum record business interests of all members of the partner and contribute to improving the economic and social situation in the world through business, has successfully implemented joint projects. Core values GXM are high performance, fundamental knowledge and professionalism, real social and economic effects on society and the pleasure of working with our partners. "Глобал экспорт-импорт менеджмент"(GXM) -многонациональное предприятие. Наша основная цель заключается в торговле, экспорте и импорте товаров, кредитов и инвестиций, развитие проектов, управление проектами. Мы предоставляем нашим партнерам маркетинговые услуги и аналитику их конкурентоспособности в целевых или потенциальных рынках. GXM является владельцами фабрик и консервных заводов, других производителей в Украине, которые производят минеральные удобрения, минеральные воды, грибы, консервы и другие продукты питания .