Buy coal
Uglex is online coal marketplace
For selling and buying of coal
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Coal purchase requests

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Coal classification Quantity Type Posted
100 tons Ghana, Ghana Agent (commission) 24.03.2025
Coking coal
300 tons China, CIF Циндао или Таншань Buyer (Contract holder) 20.03.2025
Sub-bituminous A
10 000 tons Russian Federation, DAP Камышовая Buyer (Contract holder) 17.03.2025
Sub-bituminous A
600 tons Russian Federation, Fob Consumer 15.03.2025
Low-volatile bituminous
500 tons Russian Federation, Fob Buyer (Contract holder) 15.03.2025
Sub-bituminous A
100 000 tons Viet Nam, Fob, CIF Agent (commission) 07.03.2025
Coking coal
2 000 000 tons China, DAP Suifenhe / Маньчжурия, Тундзян Buyer (Contract holder) 25.02.2025
20 tons Israel, Haifa Buyer (Contract holder) 15.02.2025
20 tons Poland, Haifa Buyer (Contract holder) 15.02.2025
100 tons Afghanistan, karachi port Buyer (Contract holder) 10.02.2025
Steam coal
100 tons Afghanistan, karachi port Buyer (Contract holder) 06.02.2025
1 000 tons Kazakhstan, Казахстан Buyer (Contract holder) 21.12.2024
Sub-bituminous A
5 000 tons Russian Federation, Суйфеньхэ Agent (commission) 19.11.2024
Sub-bituminous A
100 000 tons China, DAP Маньчжурия Agent (commission) 31.10.2024
Coking coal
5 000 tons Russian Federation, FCA Buyer (Contract holder) 15.10.2024

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