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Uglex is online coal marketplace
For selling and buying of coal
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KDM Impex Inc., OOO


Ukraina, Nikolaevskaya oblast, Nikolaev, 54055, KDM IMPEX INC., Chkalova Street 30-a, Apt. 406

Company description:

Экспорт сахара, лесоматериалов, гранита, угля, соли.
Автомобильные, жд. и судовые партии.
Экспедиционные услуги в портах Николаева и Херсона.
Импорт дизельного топлива.

Export of sugar, forest products (logs), granite, coal, salt. Ship parties(sets). Forwarding services in ports of Nikolaev, Odessa and Kherson. Import of diesel fuel.