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"NSM-YuG", OOO - karer "Bugultay"

Russian Federation, Новошахтинск, Rechnaya, 1B
Bugultai Quarry was established in June, 2002 in Novoshahtinsk, Rostov region. In 2006 it was perchased by new owners & started its new life!Crushing and screening plant was totaly converted and built a new extracting plant. Total capacity of products of both plants is about 80000-100000 tons per month. round the clock without days off. The license for subsoil use #RST01145TA. All products are Tested & Certyfied by accredited Building Material Lab.We've created a Trading house of Mineral Deposits, such as Crushed building Sansdstone, Quarzite sand, Coal Anthracite etc. Now it is on the leading places of wholesale suppliers of minerals in the Southern Federal District of Russia bordering with Luhansk & Donetsk Rep.Readmore


Belarus, Смолевичи, Minskaya oblast, Smolevichskiy rayon, d.Starina

IP Zherebcov L.E.

Russian Federation, Новосибирск, ul.M.Gorkogo
Реализация угля по России и на экспорт  Readmore

TOO "Kartehprom"

Kazakhstan, Караганда, Oktyabrskiy rayon, mikrorayon 16, 12-89

OOO "Razrez Kuzneckiy"

Russian Federation, г.Белово, ul.Kahovskaya, 21A


Russian Federation, Новокузнецк, 654027, Kemerovskaya oblast, g. Novokuzneck, ul. Kirova, d.7

ChP Zemlyakov

Ukraine, Донецк, Doneck ul.Fedoseeva 105
Уголь для предприятий и населения.Антрацит и длинно-пламенный.В мешках и навалом.Доставка,качество,точный вес.+380(95)409-57-88Readmore

AO «Norskiy keramicheskiy zavod»

Russian Federation, Ярославль, Krasnoperevalskiy pereulok, d. 1

OOO "Stroyservis"

Russian Federation, Москва, ul. Dmitrievskogo, d. 11


Russian Federation, Хасавюрт, ul. Vinsovhoznaya 5-aya d №49
7 963 422 4993Readmore

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