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  Supplier Coal classification USD / t
Sergey Aleksandrovich Sergey ... Anthracite Ukraine, Anthracite Export is possible ua
---- UAH ---- UAH
----- Sub-bituminous A Ukraine, not specified Export is possible ua
1 UAH 1 UAH USD/ton inc VAT
PP Barom PP Barom Б Ukraine, Kiev
---- USD ---- USD
PP Barom PP Barom К Ukraine, Kiev
---- USD ---- USD
PP Barom PP Barom Ж Ukraine, Kiev
---- USD ---- USD
PP Barom PP Barom Г Ukraine, Kiev
---- USD ---- USD
----- Artem Anthracite Ukraine, Kiev
---- UAH ---- UAH
----- Artem Anthracite Ukraine, not specified
---- UAH ---- UAH
----- Pavel Anthracite Ukraine, Krasnoarmeysk
---- UAH ---- UAH
----- Oleg Sub-bituminous A Ukraine, Pavlograd
---- UAH ---- UAH
OOO "Predpriyatie "Specima" OOO "Pr... Sub-bituminous A Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk
---- USD ---- USD
----- Evgeniy Bituminous Kazakhstan, Ereymentau Export is possible kz
---- USD ---- USD
----- Igor Anthracite Ukraine, not specified 530 UAH 530 - 680 UAH 680 UAH USD/ton exc VAT
OOO "Karbo-treyd" OOO "Ka... Semi-anthracite Russian Federation, Belovo
up to 2200 RUB 2200 RUB USD/ton inc VAT
HAMMER TRADE HAMMER TRADE Semi-anthracite Russian Federation, Kemerovo Export is possible ru
up to 36 USD 36 USD USD/ton inc VAT
SK Group SK Group Bituminous Russian Federation, Karaganda Export is possible ru
up to 5700 KZT 5700 KZT USD/ton inc VAT
----- kostya Sub-bituminous A Ukraine, Dobropole 530 UAH 530 - 1650 UAH 1650 UAH USD/ton exc VAT
GlobalTek OOO GlobalTek OOO Low-volatile bituminous Russian Federation, Meret Export is possible ru
up to 1800 RUB 1800 RUB USD/ton inc VAT
----- Denis Anthracite Ukraine, -----
---- UAH ---- UAH
----- Nikolay Anthracite Ukraine, -----
---- UAH ---- UAH

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